Saturday, 21 March 2009

So why do I like Amber?

This is gonna sound a little on the soppy side but I don't care. Here ar ethe reasons I like Amber:

1) She is incredibly talented. Be it acting, writing, directing, singing, she really does seem to have multiple strings to ehr bow and is good at them all. Plus, she has integrity in her work. yes, you can sometimes tell the parts she has taken just for the money cos its a job but you can see that the work, and good quality work, drives her more than the pay cheque. in this highly materialistic age, she seems refreshingly lacking in materialistic goals and I like that quality. She seems to value people for who they are, not the Dollar value they may bring for her.

2) She is an incredibly nice person. I've had the privilege of meeting ehr twice and what comes acros is something I don't really see from other stars i've met. Amber has this ability to make you feel that she ahs travelled all that way just to meet you. That she is not the celebrity, you are. There is a genuine enthusiasm and warmth in her that immediately puts you at ease. Plus Amber seems to have an amazing memory for faces and often will remember you (as she did me at our second meeting) and that only adds to the warmth. Rather than seeing signings and conventions as a job, she makes it look like an honest excuse to come and meet amazing people (namely the people who are coming to meet her).

3) And this is slightly more personal. I've had a lot of bad breaks in the last few years. Won't give the details but suffice as to say its been tough. I've had ocassion to speak to Amber's Mum Diane and by extension on ocassion Amber herself (this has been through email exchange) and they have been very decent with me at all times and have shown, to a virtual stranger, a level of compassion and concern that really helped me through my toughest times. I doubt they will ever really know how much they helped. Also, the character of Tara (who i identified with a lot), was another source of comfort and to find that Amber shared the same kind of compassion and, dare I say gentleness, that tara did was again a source of comfort in darker times.

So that's why i like her. i like ehr as an artist, as a celebrity, and as a person. She is someone whom, if we were in teh same circles, i would be proud to call a friend. But what i can call ehr is an inspiration and she ahs me as a fan for life.


  1. I never met her... But I keep a close eye on her career, she´s so amazing, so talented and she´s beautiful, inside and outside...

    I´m planning to go meet her soon, but you know.. I live in Brazil and I don´t think Amber have any plans to come here...

  2. Thank you for your lovely post, Ronnie. :)

  3. You are more than welcome Amber. I was going to answer this one direct but as I cannot I will simply post it here.

    You are an inspiration and I hope I get the chance to see you in Glasgow for Collectormania :)
