Before I answer that question let me first define the two in my eyes. For me, Role-Playing is when players interact with each other, speaking as their character and talking directly to other characters, be they PCs or NPCs. rather than saying "my character says this" or "my character does that" they either speak straight out to the character or they say "I am doing this". Roll-Playing is more a case of the characters being much more defined by the stats and the game much more a game of rolling dice and checking skills at opportunity. Interaction is limited or comes down to "my character will do/say such and such".
So which is best? I'd say that the honest answer is whatever works best in your group or game. For me, I have always preferred Role-Play over Roll-Play (if for no other reason than I hate all the record keeping) and in my games character interaction within the group has now gotten to the point where action is almost seen in terms of interaction between characters. Diplomacy, subterfuge and intimidation are often employed far more readily than a swift sword or spell (although these make a wonderful plan B). A friend of mine plays AD&D with her husband using mostly published scenarios (mostly because they both have busy schedules and dont have time for writing their own games). She plays multiple characters so that there is a group of adventurers rather than a lone warrior or mage. In that sort of situation, Role-Play becomes almost impossible to do and so, naturally, Roll-Play comes to the fore.
Is one style of play better than the other? Well, yes and no but I would argue the yes and no comes down not to anything objective that can be measured, but more a subjective appraisal based on personal taste. A Roll-Play style game wouldn't suit me as a GM or my players in the groups I ahve but at the same time a Role-Play game doesn't suit my friend in the situation she is in. So our style of game is best for the situation we are part of and it works for us.
Ultimately it comes down to how much fun we are having. if the scenario is fun and we are enjoying the game, thats all that truly matters. I can happily play both styles (as I did when I visited my friend the other week) and indeed do enjoy at times doing some roll-playing (which works very well for a dungeon bash). My friend and her hubby similarly have played games with me as a GM and do a lot more Role-Playing in those as is my style. Whichever is better is whichever gives you the most fun.
So for those who sometimes sniff or look down on one style over the other, be advised. No style is intrinsically right or wrong. All that matters is that you find a style that works for you and your group of players and enjoy yourself.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
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